L/CPL Robert J. Slattery, Det #206, "SCUTTLEBUTT NEWS", Jan-Feb 2023 - Page #2
Commandant's Corner

It is now January of 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must admit that I will not miss 2022, it was a year that I got a pancreas scare which turned out not to be cancerous and something I never expected Prostate Cancer.

I was give 3 choices: do nothing and see how it progresses, remove the prostate or go for Radiation. I certainly was not going to do nothing and I did not want it removed at this point (I had heard horror stories that scared the shit out of me) so I decided on Radiation.

On September 26, 2022 I started what would be 45 radiation treatments, every Monday thru Friday until I was done. When I had the first treatment I started to count down and was pleasantly surprised at how fast it went. I completed my Radiation on November 28,2022 the Monday after Thanksgiving.

I feel okay but have to wait until March to find out if it worked.

Keep the Faith & Semper Fi,

Paul J. Brown
L/Cpl Robert J. Slattery Detachment #206 MCL


Please see below schedule of events. If you have any events please send to me and I will update.

Please include: Date of event ~ Type of event ~ Cost if any ~ Contact info if needed

  • Mar 1st, 2022 - Live meeting will be held

  • No ex- Marines "only Marines"

    When I was working for New Jersey Bell in the 70's, I played softball on the Burlews Court team. My position was short stop and if I do say so myself I was pretty good at it.

    I would say in the late 70's early 80's I threw a ball to first base and I felt a terrible pain in my right shoulder and could not lift my arm. I left the game and went to a doctor the next day to find out I had torn my rotator cuff. It was extremely painful and at that time they didn't have specialist that could fix it by surgery and even if they did I probably wouldn't have had the surgery.

    I suffered like that for about a year until the injury somewhat healed and I was able to function in a normal capacity. I could raise my arm level with my shoulder, which I had not been able to do for at least a year. It seemed to be okay but would flare up every once in a while.

    About a month ago I went to an orthopedic specialist because it flared up again and it was absolutely annoying. When the specialist saw my cover he asked if I was a Marine and I said yes. We talked for awhile and as usual he knew someone who knew someone who knew someone that was a Marine, which led me to explain the that there are no "was" or "ex- Marines" only Marines.

    HAPPY 52nd ANIVERSARY, February 06

    Today 2/6/2023 marks 52 years with my Gorgeous Wife Margaret who is my Soul Mate, the Love of my Life and my Best Friend.

    52 years ago today was the happiest day of my life when Margaret said "I Do". There have been other happy days in my life, the birth of my three children, Kimberley, Kirsten and Scott and then the birth of my grandchildren, Ryan, Michael, Russell, Gavin, Emily, Anna and Scott Jr.

    I have not been the easiest person to live with, but my Wife stood by me and never gave up on her Jackass and for that I am forever grateful.

    I love you with all my heart and soul till the end of time. HAPPY ANIVERSARY to my Love.